Roll Coater Styles

Always read machine instructions and never touch a moving or energized roll.


GFG Peabody vertical roll coater illustration

The most common style used for two-sided coating of chromates, phosphates, lubricants and other specialty coatings, vertical style roll coaters present a simple configuration in vertical sections of the process line. In some cases, a vertical may also be used to apply paint. Coating heads can be optionally shuttled offline for safe maintenance or even incorporate a dual head shuttle configuration for swapping online and offline coating heads. Two or more vertical coaters can also be incorporated in sequence for instant coating changes.


GFG Peabody horizontal roll coater illustration

In a horizontal line section, horizontal coaters can be used for two-sided coating of chromates, phosphates, lubricants and other specialty coatings. This compact design saves space and can accommodate low pass lines. Onboard lift rolls and adjustable height topside heads can manage your pass line, strip tension and/or catenary. Two or more horizontal coaters can also be incorporated in sequence for instant coating changes.


GFG Peabody clamshells roll coater illustration

Like a horizontal coater, but with the ability to shuttle offline for cleaning and roll changes, Clamshell coaters are used for two sided coatings in a horizontal line section. Clamshell style coaters offer additional safety and maintenance access than the traditional horizontal coater. The topside head opens towards the operator side like a clam so that the coating heads can be retracted to an offline position without stopping production or unthreading the strip. Dual pickup topside heads, like the one shown, can provide alternate between forward and reverse coating from the same coating head with having to mechanically reconfigure the coating head.


GFG Peabody S-Style roll coater illustration

The S-Style is the most common for color coating both for primer and finish paint although it is found in all coating applications where the coating needs to be of the highest quality. The S wrap frame allows topside coating “on drum” while both sides have full width gravity fed pan collection. Both the top and bottom side can be shuttled offline for cleaning and roll changes. Dual shuttling coating heads provide the ability to continue coating while safely working on an offline coating head.


GFG Peabody T-Style roll coater illustration

T-style coaters provide two closely placed “on drum” coating heads on the same side of the strip, for the quickest color changes. They are commonly used in finish paint coating in combination with a S-style coater. Optionally, heads can either retract or shuttle for maintenance.

Quick Change

GFG Peabody quick change roll coater illustration

The quick-change coater is configured with two independent topside “on drum” coating heads that changeover in mere seconds and a bottom side head. This roll coater type is perfect the finish coat in lines with the highest demand for reliability and flexibility but constrained by available space.

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